Simplicity and luxe for dreamlike proximity to the nature under the starry sky protected in any weather. CristalBubble is designed to give an astounding exposure to savage, preserved and unusual landscapes from inside the comfortable living space.
This fairy-tale hut can also accommodate a winter garden or wellness space. Within the protective sphere completely open to the surroundings, the guests of CristalBubble will find the pleasant freedom to admire the magnificence of the nature. A genuine experience of a night under the stars the guests will never forget.
And if your guests haven’t slept at night, the experience is succeeded! Available from 3,3m in diameter for an utterly conceptual accommodation. Also exists in designs BubbleRoom and FlowerBubble.
Like all BubbleTree setups, CristalBubble includes entrance tunnel with a wooden framework and two doors, ultra-silent adjustable air blowing system with its connection pipe and connection accessories, grids and washable filters, as well as an anchorage system.
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