About BubbleTree
In 2006 the French designer Pierre Stéphane Dumas starts a research for an unusual up-to-date temporary accommodation solution. The BubbleTrees come up as a result of applying the ecodesign to arranging a privileged space in the midst of the nature leaving no impact on the environment. Thanks to this global eco-design approach, BubbleTree has elaborated a wide range of products and technologies to ensure top comfort of the guests, whatever the site is, in a responsible manner, for durable and sustainable accommodations. The transparency guarantees low density settlement. A night under the stars with maximum comfort. The flora and fauna are gently welcoming you.
In some areas, it is crucial to reduce the real estate pressure and preserve natural places. BubbleTree sees its mission in a humane approach to macroeconomic development.
Since 2006 BubbleTree has been innovating and proposing bubble accommodations following the principles of proximity to the nature, minimizing environmental impact, respect of the sceneries, social and economic integrity.
Our accommodations devoid of heavy infrastructure are totally reversible. Bubbles do not necessarily need to remain installed the whole year, unless you tourist season is all year round. Dismantling is simple and quick. Connection to sewage is not necessary, and we propose our dry toilets. No complex kitchen facilities are expected inside bubble tents.
Our technical solutions are adapted for all environments (from very cold to very hot). BubbleTree bubble tents can be installed off the grid and preserve local resources, including both power and water autonomy solutions.
Pierre Stéphane Dumas:
Wouldn’t happiness be a place of well-being, simplicity, harmony and proximity to the nature? Does it make us feel good when the primeval beauty of landscapes is cordoned off by concrete walls? It is high time we did rethink the impact on the environment made by our consumption choices, including leisure activities. BubbleTree has designed a solution relating man and the nature and proposes it to tourism professionals and people who share our values.